Pilates Classes Near Me
First thing we search when looking for a Pilates class is “Pilates Classes Near Me”
Sounds simple but this is important, as you want the class to be easily accessible. You might want it close to home so you can attend a class on your way back from work. You may want it within walking distance, so you don’t have to get the car out.
But whatever your reason, ensure it’s going to fit in with your everyday life so it’s easy for you to attend and not make excuses – especially in the cold wintry months, when its tempting to give things a miss to stay nice and cosy indoors.
When looking for a Pilates class, there are also a few other things to consider
The Knowledge and Experience Of The Pilates Instructors.
This is important as anyone can qualify as an instructor and start teaching. However some courses are very different to others.
Some are in-depth and take months to complete the training whilst also being encouraged to shadow other instructors and participate in classes themselves.
Others can be done over a much shorter period of time and some even done mostly online -never actually teaching a class until their assessment.
It’s also important to look at an instructor’s qualifications, experience and expertise. Have they got the necessary knowledge and experience of working with different populations – people with medical conditions, injuries, people who may be recovering from surgery and other issues.
All this gives the instructors more credibility. You know you are in safe hands and they are qualified, knowledgeable and experienced. They have a tool kit of adaptations/alternatives and know how to look after you around your medical conditions, injuries or aches and pains.
A great instructor is capable of not only leading a Pilates class, whilst having a bit of banter with you but also of watching each individual like a hawk to ensure you perform the Pilates exercises with good technique and are activating the right muscles. And also on-hand to correct and give out adaptations and alternatives where needed.
This leads on nicely to my next point
The Size Of The Class
Large class sizes make it very difficult for instructors to give each person one-to-one attention. This can result in class participates performing exercises with bad form, so they will not be as effective and could also lead to exacerbating any injuries.
I remember years ago covering the odd class at a leisure centre with around 30-40 people in a class. This was awful as an instructor as you can’t give everyone the individual support they need. I used to have to do a quick assessment of the room and try and get to the people who were performing the exercises the worst and were at risk of injuring themselves.
This is the reason we keep our class sizes small.
We have no more than 13 people in a class despite our studio being able to accommodate a lot more as we value Quality over Quantity!
Flexibility Of Attendance
Do you want to attend your Pilates class on the same day and time each week?
Or do you work shifts or have family commitments that make attending the same day and time on a weekly basis hard to commit too?
Would you prefer the flexibility of being able to book onto different classes each week?
At New Healthy Body Pilates studio, we are flexible to all the above.
Some members like a regular booking in a particular class each week – this can be done through a recurring booking so they can guarantee their place.
Other members book their places on different classes each week over a monthly basis, when they get access to their rotas and others book on a weekly basis (however this option can be tricky to guarantee a place if class numbers are high), so it is better to plan in advance)
Our members also love the flexibility when they go on holiday. If they are going to miss a class or two, they don’t miss out as they can jump on a Live Online Class, request a recording to do in their own time or have Catch Up sessions that they can attend before or after their holiday.
The Vibe
Choose a Pilates Studio or Class with warm, approachable instructors, friendly classmates and a general welcoming atmosphere
Where you feel motivated to attend, looked after by the instructors and part of a community.
This all makes the experience so much more enjoyable.
At New Healthy Body we pride ourselves on ticking all the pointers I’ve covered.
When I recently asked our members the question
“What Is The One Thing You Value The Most About Being A Member of New Healthy Body?”
I loved reading their responses. As it was proof to me that our company mission and what we set out to achieve is exactly what our members feel we deliver.
Our Members Feedback
“The thing I value the most about being a member of New Healthy Body is feeling part of a big family who all work together and encourage each other to fulfill their potential and make a positive change to their wellbeing, both physically and mentally.” David
“I value the individual care and support given in class by tutors to ensure I am safely doing the correct movements. I also always feel part of the group no matter which session I attend.” Angela
“There are a multitude of reasons but the stand out for me is how it is helping me to manage my back pain and without medication/painkillers. This is improving my quality of life tremendously as before I would need strong painkillers which worked but also upset my stomach. So to be able to manage my pain and increase my mobility without painkillers really is fantastic for me.” Darrell
“A small friendly Pilates studio with supportive staff that guide you through the what, why and how of Pilates. This is not just an exercise class, but a safe place for those who want to improve their health and wellbeing, while also gaining a sense of community and belonging.” Joanna
“The flexibility to be able to move around classes, online, recording or class.” Emma
“I love that I can keep my body fit and healthy local to me with plenty of choice of classes and the community spirit you have created is brilliant.” Caroline
“The thing I value most about being a member of New Healthy Body is the care, support and reassurance I get from the instructors and members on a weekly basis but also the relief from any aches, pains and niggles.”Josh
So to conclude, if you are looking for a “Pilates Class Near Me” then look no further if you live in Sheffield (or if you would like to attend Live Online Pilates Classes)
We would love to welcome you to our special community where we will help you to reduce your aches and pains, become stronger, more mobile and generally fitter and healthier
Join our 21 Day Pilates Programme to see how you get on
What have you got to lose?